Photography by Jon Adams
I come from a long line of photographers, at least about as long a line as one can have in the field of photography. (see below) I've been immersed in many aspects of photography since day one. I would accompany my Dad to shoots as a very young child. I started changing film for him and printing pictures at age five. When I was eight years old I asked for a "real" camera for my birthday. I got a great one, a Pentax K1000 35mm camera and a 50mm lens. I had a decent understanding of exposure and metering. I got better fast as I would experiment, manual focusing was no problem either. My Dad taught me one of the great lessons of photography at that age. "Make every shot count" a lesson especially vivid for film shooters. Nonetheless making the frames count is a good thing for all of us to do. They don't all have to be great, but at least we should learn and improve from the frames we don't like as much. Technology is changing the way we capture and make images, but the things that make an image great for the viewer haven't changed at all.
My Father, Cory Adams, is a great man and a wonderful photographer. He also followed in the footsteps of his father making images of weddings, seniors and family groups. He became very well known and sought after for his wedding work. he's still capturing smiles. Cory Adams Photography is capturing smiles and bringing high quality portraiture to people at great prices.
My Grandpa, Rex Adams, continued the legacy of his father. After serving in WW2 as a radiology technician he picked up the camera and went to work. He traveled to many towns, sometimes going door to door to find the families who needed a portrait made for their walls. He worked in the industry for many years. He has seen many changes in the world of photography. He saw the change from glass to plastic negatives, from sheet film to rolls, from hot lights, to flash tubes, to electronic flash, black and white to color, and even the digital revolution. He's enjoying retirement, has a great sense of humor, and has made friends with everyone he has met. Known as the original Chickenman for using a plush chicken toy to bring the smiles out of almost any child.
My Great Grandpa, Robert Darius Adams, was one of the early photographers of Southern Utah and Nevada. For five decades, he took pictures of individuals, families, street scenes, parades, celebrations, and school children. His photographs of Bryce Canyon, Zion, and Cedar Breaks became some of the first postcards sent from these national parks. Many of his images are available for viewing at the SUU website here.